The Malaysian Institute of Food Technology is a non-profit professional body of food technologists and educators in the field of food science and technology, and other individuals involved in areas of work closely related to food technology.

Building and further enhancing the professionalism of food scientists and technologists in Malaysia
Promoting the advancement of food science and technology across the nation
- stimulate scientific and technological research in various aspects of Food Technology
- provide a medium for the exchange, discussion, publication, and dissemination of information on various aspects of Food Technology; and
- promote the profession of Food Technology through raising educational standards, promoting the scientific approach to food, and increasing public awareness of the basic role of the Food Technologists in industry.
Ultimately, our goal is to promote the application of science and technology to the improved production, processing, packaging, distribution, preparation, evaluation and utilization of food in order to provide better and more adequate foods for mankind.
Founded in 1974, the MIFT has grown to over 1000 members. The majority are Professional Members who are managers, food scientists and technologists in the food industry, researchers in government and private institutions, educators in universities and colleges.
Many of them are trained in food science and technology or related disciplines such as chemistry, engineering, agriculture, microbiology, biochemistry and have relevant experiences in their application to food.
For those individuals who do not have relevant training and experience but are involved in the food industry, we offer them participation in the activities of MIFT as ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.
Corporate bodies who are associated with food science and technology or the food industry are also provided with the opportunity to associate with MIFT to further the objectives of MIFT as CORPORATE MEMBERS.