Registered Address and Place of Meeting
Cessation, Suspension and Readmission Of Members
Membership Fees
General Meetings
The Council and Its Responsibilities
Office Bearers
Financial Provisions
Professional Council
Property Administration Trustee
Interpretation Of Constitution
Amendment To The Constitution
1.1 The organization shall be a professional body called Institut Teknologi Makanan Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Food Technology), abbreviated MIFT. Hereinafter referred to as “the Institute”
1.2 Definition of Food Technology – Food Technology is herein defined as the technological application of science and engineering to the handling, processing, manufacture, distribution, and storage of foods. It is primarily based on the fundamentals of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and physics any of which sciences may find expression through an engineering operation. Knowledge of it enables its possessor to conduct analysis, to develop new products, processes, and equipment; to select proper raw materials; to understand and control food processing and manufacturing operations; to solve technical problems of food handling, food analysis, processing, manufacture, sanitation and those affecting the nutritional value and safety of foods and public health; and to know the fundamental changes of composition, flavour, and physical condition of foodstuffs which may occur during and subsequent to the industrial processing of the foodstuffs.
2.1 The registered address and postal address of the Institute shall be 45B, JALAN SS15/4B, 47500 SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA.
2.2 Its place of meeting shall be at the registered address or at such other place as may from time to time be decided by the Council.
2.3 The registered address and postal address of the Institute shall not be changed without prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
3.1 The Institute shall be a non-profit professional and educational organisation and shall have the following aims: –
a. To stimulate scientific and technological research in various aspects of Food Technology.
b. To provide a medium for the exchange, discussion, publication, and dissemination of information on various aspects of Food Technology.
c. To promote the profession of Food Technology through raising educational standards, promoting the scientific approach to food, and increasing public awareness of the basic role of Food Technologist in the industry.
The Institute shall have six classes of Individual Members namely Fellows, Professional, Life, Graduate, Associate and Student, and one class of Corporate Member. The Council shall determine the class of membership to which an individual is entitled. Wherever used in this Constitution, in the reference to members or membership of the Institute, the words “members” or “membership”, if not capitalized or otherwise qualified, shall mean members or membership of all classes except student.
Any person who has been a Professional Member or Life Member for a minimum of ten years and has achieved distinction in his field may be nominated by two Professional Members to be a Fellow of the Institute. The Council’s decision on the suitability of a nominee for this class of membership shall be final.
Any person who has had training and experience in Food Technology as defined in Clause 1.2 of this Constitution, or any person who in the opinion of the Council has established reputation as a Food Technologist or has produced evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that he has made a substantial contribution to the field of Food Technology, shall be eligible to be a Professional Member of the Institute. The minimum training, which shall qualify a candidate for eligibility for Professional Membership, shall be an appropriate university degree or an academic or professional qualification recognised by the Council as evidence of adequate educational attainment. The minimum experience, which shall qualify a candidate for eligibility for Professional Membership, shall be two years of post-graduate or post-qualifying experience in Food Technology. The Council may, at its’ discretion, waive any or all the forgoing requirements in the case of a person who through long experience, has distinguished himself in the field of Food Technology.
Fellow and Professional Members who have paid their annual subscription for a minimum of ten consecutive years are eligible to apply to the Council to be a Life Member, and upon approval shall pay a lump sum of Ringgit Malaysia Five Hundred (RM 500.00).
Any person who has an appropriate university degree or an academic or professional qualification recognised by the Council as evidence of adequate educational attainment, but who has not the minimum post-graduate or post-qualifying experience, shall be eligible to be a Graduate Member of the Institute. A Graduate Member may apply to the Council for admission into Professional Membership when he has satisfied the necessary requirements.
Any person active in a specific aspect of Food Technology as defined in Clause 1.2 of this Constitution, such as an administrator, a director, or any executive whose jurisdiction covers operations where Food Technology is conducted or whose work requires a general knowledge of the broad principles of Food Technology as it applies to the products, processes, or equipment with which he is concerned; or any person who has been trained in and has entered a career in Food Technology for not less than 5 years, shall be eligible to become an Associate Member.
Any person who at the time of application is registered as a student at an educational institution and who is actively pursuing candidacy for a degree or diploma in one or more of the disciplines associated with Food Technology, shall be eligible to become a Student Member. He shall cease to become a Student Member one year after graduation.
Any locally incorporated organisation involved in specific areas of Food Technology and interested in promoting the objectives of the Malaysian Institute of Food Technology shall be eligible to become a Corporate Member.
Honorary fellow member is an honorary award by the MIFT council to a distinguished individual, scientist, industrialist or public servant who has contributed significantly to the advancement and development of Food Science and Technology in Malaysia.
Preamble –
Note: The Council shall have available criteria for selection of these individuals and will award only those who deserve the honour so as to encourage public figures to contribute and help MIFT grow nationally and internationally for the advancement of Food Science and Technology in Malaysia and for the benefit of society.
The Honorary Secretary shall keep the Register of all members, which shall contain such particulars as the Council may from time to time prescribe.
All classes shall enjoy the rights and privileges of membership of the Institute provided that: –
a. only Professional Members, including Fellows and Life Members who are citizen of Malaysia may be elected to the Council.
b. only Professional Members, including Fellows and Life Members, may vote on Institute matters relating to resolutions put forth at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings, and on elections to the Council.
c. only Professional and Life Members are entitled to the exclusive use their names of the initials “PMIFT” (Professional Member of the Malaysian Institute of Food Technology), except that Fellows are entitled to the exclusive use after their names of the initials “FMIFT” (Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Food Technology).
a. An application for any class of membership must be made online via application form in MIFT website or hard copy obtainable from the Honorary Secretary. Duly completed forms, including names of two referees, one of whom must be a Professional or Fellow Member, shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary who shall submit it to the Council at its’ next meeting for consideration. The Council may at its’ discretion reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
b. Applicant whose application fee payment has been successfully made, upon membership approval shall be admitted as a member of the Institute.
A member ceases to be a member in the following cases :-
Any member whose subscription is two years in arrears shall automatically cease to be a member, and the Council may direct that legal action be taken against them.
Any member who wishes to resign shall give two weeks’ written notice to the Honorary Secretary and shall pay up all dues.
The Council may terminate the membership of any member (including Life Members) for violation of this Constitution or any agreement, rule, or code properly adopted by the Institute or for any conduct prejudicial to the good name of the Institute, provided that before such action by the Council, the member concerned shall be afforded an opportunity of presenting his case before the Council if he so desires. A two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership of the Council is required for the termination of the membership by the Council.
The Council may suspend the membership of any member for misconduct or otherwise which is not a sufficient case for the termination of membership. Any member under suspension shall not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges of membership.
No person who has ceased to be a member of the Institute shall be eligible for admission until he has paid all his dues outstanding at the date when his former membership ceased, unless he provides a written request to the Council seeking readmission and waiver of past dues. The Council shall consider such cases individually. If readmitted, a Professional member will not be eligible for Life membership until he has paid his annual subscription for ten consecutive years from the point of readmission.
6.1 A non-refundable entrance fee of RM100.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred) shall be levied once for each application for Individual Membership while a non-refundable fee of RM750.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Seven Hundred Fifty) shall be levied once for Corporate Membership. For Student membership, the non-refundable entrance fee of RM20.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Twenty) shall be levied.
6.2 The annual subscription for the various classes of membership shall be as follows: –
Fellow RM 100.00
Professional Member RM 100.00
Graduate Member RM 100.00
Associate Member RM 100.00
Student Member RM 30.00
Absent Member RM 20.00
Corporate Member RM 500.00
6.3 Professional Life Members shall pay a lump sum subscription fee of RM500.00 upon approval as a Life Member.
6.4 All annual subscription for the following year may be payable to the Honorary Treasurer in advance by the thirty-first day of December of each year via Member portal in MIFT website. Members have the option to settle subscription for more than 1 year. Any member who has not paid up by the aforesaid date shall receive a written notification signed by or on behalf of the Honorary Treasurer and shall be denied the rights and privileges of membership until his arrears are settled.
The supreme authority of the Institute shall be vested in a general meeting of the members.
The quorum for a general meeting, whether an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting, shall be one third of the total voting membership of the Institute or twenty two members of the Institute present and entitle to vote, whichever is smaller.
7.3.1 DATE
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held not later than April of each year unless under special circumstances on a date and at a time and at a place to be decided by the Council.
7.3.2 AGENDA
The business of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be: –
a. to confirm the minutes of the previous AGM;
b. to discuss matters arising;
c. to consider and approve the Annual Report of the Council;
d. to consider and approve the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet together with the Honorary Auditors’ Report;
e. to elect ten Professional or Fellow Members to the various positions in the Council at every other year;
f. to elect two Honorary Auditors; and
g. to deal with such matters as may arise.
7.3.3 NOTICE
A notice on the AGM stating date, time, and place and calling for motions for discussion, motions for amendments to the Constitution, and nominations for the election of members to the Council shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to all members not later than 4 weeks before the date fixed for the meeting.
a. All nominations for the selection of members to the Council must be signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder. Motions for discussion and motions for amendments to the Constitution must be signed by the proposer and seconder. Proposers and seconders must be Professional Members including Fellows and Life Members of the Institute. These must be sent to the Honorary Secretary to reach him at least three weeks before the date fixed for the meeting.
b. If no nomination is received for any position at the closing date for nomination, nomination from the floor shall be permitted at the time of the meeting. Nominations from the floor shall be duly proposed and seconded. The consent of the nominee must be obtained.
The Honorary Secretary shall send to all members at least one week before the AGM an agenda including copies of minutes and reports, motions, and nominations for the election of members to the Council.
If after half an hour from the time appointed for the Annual General Meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to one week after the appointed time, at the same time at MIFT Office at 45B, Jalan SS15/4B, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those members who are present and entitled to vote, whatever their number, shall be a quorum and may transact the business of the Annual General Meeting.
7.4.1 All general meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings.
7.4.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened;
a. when the Council deems it desirable; or
b. at the joint request in writing of not less than twenty members, stating the objects and reasons for such a meeting.
7.4.3 An EGM called by members shall be convened for a date within thirty days of the receipt of such request.
7.4.4 Notice for an EGM shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to all members at least two weeks before the date fixed for the meeting.
7.4.5 If no quorum is present half an hour from the time appointed for the EGM, the meeting if convened by requisition of members shall be cancelled, and no EGM shall be requisitioned for the same purpose until a lapse of at least six months from the date thereof.
7.4.6 The Honorary Secretary shall forward to all members a copy of the draft minutes of each EGM soon after its conclusion.
7.5 In the event where it is not possible to conduct any meeting at site such as Annual General Meeting, Council Election, Extraordinary General Meeting due to natural disaster, state of emergency or movement control order by the government, virtual meeting will be conducted using Remote Participation and Voting (RPV) facilities.
7.6 In the event where members are unable to participate in any meeting at site such as Annual General Meeting, Council Election, Extraordinary General Meeting due to unforeseen circustances, members are allowed to participate in the meeting using Remote Participation and Voting facilities approved by the Council.
8.1 Council shall be the governing and executive body of the Institute.
8.2 The Council shall hold office for two consecutive years.
8.3 The Council shall consist of:-
a. Twelve Professional Members elected at an Annual General Meeting, consisting of the –
– President,
– Vice-President,
– Honorary Secretary,
– Honorary Treasurer,
– Assistant Honorary Secretary,
– Assistant Honorary Treasurer and
– Six (6) Council members
b. The Immediate Past President, and
c. One Fellow to be nominated by the President
8.4 The Council shall have the power to appoint a member to fill a seat left vacant by a Council Member on resignation or under other circumstances. The term of office of such an appointed member shall end at the next Annual General Meeting, and he shall have the right then to seek any elective post if he so desires. In the case of any member missing three consecutive Council meetings without a reason acceptable to the Council, he/ she shall be deemed to be no longer a member of the Council and shall be informed, in writing, by the Hon. Secretary.
8.5 The quorum for a Council meeting shall be six members of the Council.
8.6 The Council shall decide on matters regarding applications for suspension or termination of membership.
8.7 The Council shall be empowered to set up standing committees from amongst members whether these be from the general body or from the Council for any special purposes.
9.1 The office bearers in the Council shall be the President, the Vice-President, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, the Assistant Honorary Secretary and the Assistant Honorary Treasurer.
9.2 The President shall during his term of office chair all meetings of the Institute and of the Council and shall be responsible for proper conduct of all such meetings. He shall have the casting vote and shall sign the minutes of each meeting at the time they are approved. He shall represent the Institute in its’ dealings with the general public. He shall together with the Honorary Treasurer sign all cheques on behalf of the Institute.
9.3 The Vice-President shall deputise for the President in the latter’s absence.
9.4 The immediate past President, by virtue of his experience during his term of office, shall provide advise and guidance to the Council in order to ensure continuity in the policies and actions of the Council.
9.5 The Honorary Secretary shall conduct the business of the Institute in accordance with its rules, and shall carry out the instructions of the Council. He shall be responsible for maintaining the register of members, all books, documents, and paper except those dealing with financial records. He shall convene all meetings and prepare minutes for subsequent presentation.
9.6 The Assistant Honorary Secretary shall assist the Honorary Secretary in carrying out his duties and shall act for him in his absence.
9.7 The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of Institute. He shall keep account of all its financial transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He shall prepare the Annual Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet for auditing and subsequently for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. He shall together with the President sign all cheques on behalf of the Institute.
9.8 The Assistant Honorary Treasurer shall assist the Honorary Treasurer in carrying out his duties and shall act for him in his absence
10.1 The Institute may acquire, by gift or other forms of fund raising or through Financial loans, monies for the administration of the Institute.
10.2 The funds of the Institute shall be used only for the management and administration of the Institute. It shall be used for the following purposes :-
a. to pay for the rental or purchase of a site for, and the construction of, any buildings for the Institute.
b. to pay for the rental or purchase of equipment and materials for the purpose of the Institute.
c. to repay any monies borrowed by the Institute.
d. to pay any other expenses properly incurred by the Institute in the execution of its functions under this Constitution.
10.3 The Council may from time to time with the approval of the members at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, invest any surplus funds, which are not immediately required, in appropriate investments and securities as approved by the members.
10.4 The Institute shall keep a current account with a local bank. The account shall be in the name of the Institute. All cheques shall be signed by the President and the Honorary Treasurer. In the absence of one or both of these office-bearers, the Council shall name alternative signatories.
10.5 The Honorary Treasurer may hold petty cash not exceeding Ringgit Malaysia one thousand (RM1,000.00) at any one time. All monies in excess of this sum shall be deposited in the bank.
10.6 All Income and Expenditure Account and a Balance Sheet for the year shall be prepared by the Honorary Treasurer, submitted to the Honorary Auditors for auditing, and tabled at the Annual General Meeting.
10.7 The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each year.
10.8 No expenditure exceeding Ringgit Malaysia two thousand (RM2,000.00) at any time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of the Council.
10.9 Online banking facility may be used with a set limit of RM5,000.00/day whereby one signatory is sufficient to approve such a transaction, provided that the expenditure is a pre-approved expenditure for payment via online banking, approved by Council and that the expenditure is made known to all other signatories.
11.1 Two members who shall not be members of the Council shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting as Honorary Auditors. They shall serve in such capacity for one year only and shall be eligible for re-election as Honorary Auditors up to a period of 3 consecutive years as re-elected Honorary Auditor(s). Thereafter, elected auditors who have served 3 consecutive years shall only be eligible for re-election as an Honorary Auditor after a break of 2 years.
11.2 The Honorary Auditors shall be required to audit the accounts of the Institute for the year and to prepare a report by end of April of the following year for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. They may further be required by the Council to audit the accounts of the Institute for any period within their tenure and to submit a report thereafter.
12.1 A member of the Institute shall act in a manner in accordance with the general ethical principles of the profession of Food Technology.
12.2 A member shall contribute his services to the profession of Food Technology in a spirit of integrity and humility.
12.3 A member shall not be influenced by any institution or employing organisation which may have conflicting interests with the Institute.
12.4 Any member whose conduct is contrary to the spirit and the Constitution of the Institute shall have his membership status reviewed by the Council. The Council shall, if it finds the offending member guilty, suspend or terminate his membership.
12.5 Any member aggrieved by the decision of the Council shall have the right to appeal to a general meeting of members whose decision shall be final.
12.6 The Institute shall not take part in or contribute its funds for political activity of any kind.
12.7 The Institute may have affiliation or connection with organisations within and outside Malaysia, which have similar objectives as the Institute or which can enable the Institute to further its objectives.
13.1 All fixed assets of the Institute must be registered under the name of the Institute. All execution letters relating to these assets are only considered legal with condition that the letter being authorized by three office bearers from the current Council, in which their appointment being verified by the Registrar of Societies.
14.1 Between the period of two General Meetings, the Council shall interpret the rules of the Institute and when necessary, can determine any unclear matters in the Constitution.
14.2 Except where they are contrary to or inconsistent with the rules previously agreed upon by the General Meeting, the decisions of the Council shall be conclusive to all members unless countermanded by a decision in General Meeting.
15.1 This constitution may be rescinded, amended, or added to by a resolution of a General Meeting carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of members present and entitled to vote as such meeting, notice of which shall have contained particulars of the proposed rescissions, amendments, or additions.
15.2 The rescissions, amendments, and additions to the Constitution may also, at the discretion of the Council and based on the urgency of the matter as well as expediency of Institute business, he resolved by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at such meeting.
15.3 Such amendments shall take effect from the date of their approval by the Registrar of Societies.
16.1 The Institute shall not be dissolved except, with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the total voting members expressed in person at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.
16.2 In the events that the Institute is dissolved as provided for above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred in behalf of the Institute shall be fully discharged and the remaining assets and funds, if any, shall be transferred to a bona fide society or societies or other approved organisations have objectives similar to those of the Institute or a reputable/recognised public trustee.
16.3 Notice of dissolution as provided for above shall be given within fourteen days to the Registrar of Societies.
17.1 In this Constitution, words importing the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine gender as well.
17.2 The Council shall be the interpreting body of this Constitution and its decision shall be final unless countermanded by the decision of a General Meeting.
18.1 Any form of gambling as interpreted in the Common Gaming House Act 1953 are strictly prohibited in the premise of the Institute.
18.2 Neither the Institute nor its members shall attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with the trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activities as defined in the Trade Union Act 1959.
18.3 The Institute shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Institute, its office bearers or members without prior approval from the authority concerned.
18.4 “Benefits” as mentioned under Section 2 of the Societies Act 1966 shall not be given by the Institute to any of its member.
18.5 The Institute shall not be allowed to administer any religious house.
18.6 All kind of money and profit obtained by the Institute through its involvement in any kind of economic activity shall be contributed back to the Institute in accomplishing the Institute’s objectives, and shall not be used to pay interest, profits or bonus to the members of the Institute. However, this provision did not restrict any kind of salary payment or administrative expenses or both to any member or staff of the Institute.
19. LOGO
The logo of the Institute shall be as depicted below: –
The logo consists of the letters MIFT, which stand for MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY. The dot of the ‘I’ is a wheel, which denotes progress in the food industry.